[Jenkins-events] Request for participation: Jenkins Events Officer candidates

R. Tyler Croy tyler at monkeypox.org
Wed Feb 17 23:11:15 UTC 2016

Based on the team lead proposal
which was previously approved in a project governance meeting, I asking on
behalf of the Jenkins board[0], for candidates who are willing to act as the
Jenkins Events Officer.

The Jenkins Events Officer would have an active role in driving and managing
Jenkins community events. Such events include Jenkins User Conference, Jenkins
Area Meetups, other Jenkins community events (FOSDEM, SCALE), and speaking
opportunities. The Events Officer would be tasked with the following

* Process incoming events related requests from users, dev, events mailing lists
* Point of contact for Jenkins community events (mentioned above)
* Drive communication efforts surrounding Jenkins community events
* Drive content/agenda for the Jenkins User Conference
* Plan and coordinate logistics as needed for Jenkins community events
* Oversee and ensure the success of the overall Jenkins Area Meetups:
  * Maintainer/organizer of Jenkins Area Meetup account on meetup.com
  * Work with organizers to ensure their success - assist as needed with speaker, sponsors identification
  * Guide new organizers process to start up their local JAM

The expected term of the Events Officer would be 12 months.

Contributors interested in being considered for the Jenkins Events Officer
position should email the board: jenkinsci-board at googlegroups.com in the *next
seven days* explaining their qualifications for the position.

In seven days the board will select a candidate to appoint to the position who
will be able to act on behalf of the Governance Board on matters pertaining to
the position described above

[0] The current board: <https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Governance+Board>

- R. Tyler Croy

     Code: <https://github.com/rtyler>
  Chatter: <https://twitter.com/agentdero>

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