[Jenkins-infra] 65GB of mirrored data. We need to consider an archival/deletion policy

R. Tyler Croy tyler at monkeypox.org
Thu Nov 1 03:56:02 UTC 2012

I was helping get another mirror online tonight, and noticed that we're
mirroring a FUCKING LOT of data:

    hudson at ftp-osl ~/jenkins $ du -hcs *
    4.0K    TIME
    1.7M    art
    0   boxes
    6.5G    debian
    1.7G    debian-rc
    538M    debian-stable
    457M    debian-stable-rc
    635M    demovms
    5.6G    opensuse
    1.8G    opensuse-rc
    539M    opensuse-stable
    457M    opensuse-stable-rc
    3.6G    osx
    1.8G    osx-rc
    539M    osx-stable
    457M    osx-stable-rc
    7.9G    plugins
    5.8G    redhat
    1.8G    redhat-rc
    539M    redhat-stable
    457M    redhat-stable-rc
    6.3M    updates
    11G war
    1.9G    war-rc
    541M    war-stable
    456M    war-stable-rc
    5.7G    windows
    2.8G    windows-rc
    851M    windows-stable
    722M    windows-stable-rc
    64G total
    hudson at ftp-osl ~/jenkins $ 

We really need to come up with a policy for pruning either older releases or
archiving them off of the mirror network

- R. Tyler Croy
    Code: https://github.com/rtyler
 Chatter: https://twitter.com/agentdero
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