[Jenkins-infra] Inquiry of additional disk space for eggplant.jenkins-ci.org (

Kohsuke Kawaguchi kkawaguchi at cloudbees.com
Mon Oct 8 23:45:27 UTC 2012


First of all, thank you for hosting our servers. We really appreciate it.

There's this one VM "eggplant.jenkins-ci.org" ( that we 
use for running JIRA and Confluence. While both services primarily store 
data on database, they also use local file storage for storing 
attachments. Despite our efforts to ship data and log files off this 
computer, we struggle to keep the disk space available, and as we 
accumulate more data in JIRA and Confluence, it gets harder and harder 
to open up more spaces.

So I wonder if it's at all possible to get a bit more storage space on 
this VM, say another 5 or 10GB (ideally by growing the current volume.)

Kohsuke Kawaguchi | CloudBees, Inc. | http://cloudbees.com/
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