[Jenkins-infra] [confluence] Jenkins > service solahart kelapa gading hp 082113812149

Arnaud Héritier aheritier at gmail.com
Wed Oct 28 14:29:35 UTC 2015

ok thanks a lot Larry
I didn't know it was only based on a blacklist.
Yes it is difficult to rollback, they can do too many crappy stuffs.
I think it is the first time I see someone spamming by editing a page and
not by adding a comment on confluence

On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 2:56 PM, Larry Shatzer, Jr. <larrys at gmail.com>

> I deleted the account with the account admin app.
> We are not moderating every single account creation, but just ones that
> fail due to a hit in stopforumspam.com (by either their email or their IP
> address). That has cut down a lot, but still not perfect.
> It would be nice if the same system used to delete spam pages on creation
> also verified edits did not change it all to now spam. I suspect this is a
> bit harder.
> -- Larry
> On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 3:48 AM, Arnaud Héritier <aheritier at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I reverted this page to the latest good revision :
>> https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/SCM+Sync+Config+shared+additionnal+includes
>> https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Praqma
>> https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Ownership-Based+security
>> https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Memory+Map+Plugin
>> https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Ownership+Plugin
>> I added the user account in the spammer group. What else to do ?
>> On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 10:25 AM, Arnaud Héritier <aheritier at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> It wasn't copied as far as I can see
>>> It was completely edit
>>> It was the page called Ownership Plugin
>>> We need to restore the previous revision for this page and others pages
>>> updated (https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/~waterheaterjakarta) and
>>> to drop/block the user
>>> How was it possible for him to have an account ? I thought we were
>>> moderating creations ?
>>> On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 9:54 AM, Oleg Nenashev <o.v.nenashev at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi INFRA team,
>>>> Seems somebody found a way to bypass the captcha by copying Wiki pages.
>>>> https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/pages/diffpages.action?pageId=68386903&originalId=83362457
>>>> BR, Oleg
>>>> 2015-10-28 11:27 GMT+03:00 Jenkins Wiki <noreply at jenkins-ci.org>:
>>>>> service solahart kelapa gading hp 082113812149
>>>>> <https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/service+solahart+kelapa+gading+hp+082113812149> Page
>>>>> *edited* by service water heater jakarta
>>>>> <https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/~waterheaterjakarta>
>>>>> Changes (15)
>>>>> {section}
>>>>> {column:width=15%}
>>>>> {jenkins-plugin-info:ownership|jiraComponent=ownership-plugin}
>>>>> {column}
>>>>> Call center service solahart Call: 081218067443
>>>>> CV.FIKRI MANDIRI JAYA melayani jasa perbaikan / service solahart
>>>>> pemanas air tenaga matahari,dan
>>>>> penjualan segala merk solar water heater.jasa kami sebagai berikut:
>>>>> 1.service solahart air panas, Rp:200.000.
>>>>> 2.service wika,swh,Rp:200.000.
>>>>> 3.service edward,servis ariston tenaga matahari Rp:200.000.
>>>>> 4.JUAL spare part solar water heater merk solahart,handal,wika swh
>>>>> 5.JUAL unit solar water heater merk solahart,handal,wika swh,
>>>>> 6.JUAL pipa air panas,pipa tembaga,pipa ripeng,dll Rp:75.000/meter
>>>>> {column:width=10%}
>>>>> Dengan pelayanan yang BERPENGALAMAN, MURAH dan TERPERCAYA.team kami
>>>>> telah
>>>>> terlatih Dengan standar spesifikasi sesuai pabrikannya.
>>>>> Untuk menggunakan jasa kami caranya sangat mudah. Anda cukup
>>>>> menghubungi kami
>>>>> melalui telepon/SMS dengan memberikan nama lengkap dan alamat lengkap
>>>>> anda, kami
>>>>> akan LANGSUNG menuju tempat anda,Dimana pun lokasi
>>>>> rumah,vila,hotel,anda kami
>>>>> akan layani! Kepuasan anda adalah komitmen kami yang terus kami jaga
>>>>> {column} selanjutnya.
>>>>> Untuk Layanan Jasa dan keterangan lebih lanjut silahkan hubunggi kami
>>>>> :
>>>>> hp.. 082113812149
>>>>> telp; 021-71231659
>>>>> {section} Website:www.solahartcenter.com
>>>>> {excerpt}
>>>>> Plugin provides an ownership mechanism for jobs and slave nodes.
>>>>> {excerpt}
>>>>> h1. Page contents
>>>>> {toc:maxLevel=3}
>>>>> h1. Contributors
>>>>> # [Oleg Nenashev|hhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/onenashev] (maintainer)
>>>>> #* Initial plugin versions (0.1-0.3) have been sponsored by Synopsys
>>>>> Inc., [www.synopsys.com|http://www.synopsys.com]
>>>>> h1. Features summary
>>>>> * Ownership info visualization for jobs, builds and slaves (Summary
>>>>> boxes, ListView columns, etc.)
>>>>> * Injection of ownership variables into the build environment
>>>>> * Easy MailTo links for "Contact owners" and "Contact admins" with
>>>>> pre-formatted messages
>>>>> * Advanced security support
>>>>> ** Integration with the following plugins: [
>>>>> https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Role+Strategy+Plugin|Role
>>>>> <https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Role+Strategy+Plugin%7CRole>
>>>>> Strategy Plugin], [Job Restrictions|JENKINS:Job Restrictions Plugin],
>>>>> [Authorize Project|JENKINS:Authorize Project plugin]
>>>>> ** It's possible to configure the ownership-based security using Role
>>>>> Strategy macros
>>>>> * "Ownership" Job View Filter for views (supports @Me macro)
>>>>> Summary box example:
>>>>> !OwnerhipSummary_screenshot.png|border=1!
>>>>> h2. Global configuration
>>>>> Ownership plugin requires initial configuration via Jenkins global
>>>>> configuration page. Screenshot below demonstrates available options.
>>>>> * You can filter possible job/slave owners by "configure" access
>>>>> rights. BTW, this option should be disabled in case of ownership-driven
>>>>> permissions
>>>>> * Configure the service owners e-mail to enable "contact service
>>>>> owners" button
>>>>> * In advanced e-mail options you can configure templates for MailTo
>>>>> links on ownership summary pages
>>>>> * Plugin allows to setup an ownership management policy for the
>>>>> creation/copying of the job
>>>>> ** By default, the ownership won't be set up
>>>>> ** "Assign job creators as owners" automatically assigns owners
>>>>> (useful for [Ownership-Based security|JENKINS:Ownership-Based security])
>>>>> * "Globally inject ownership variables" allows to make the variables
>>>>> available everywhere
>>>>> * Mail Resolvers:
>>>>> ** Several existing resolvers (e.g. Subversion Email Resolver) may
>>>>> hang web interface
>>>>> ** It is highly recommended to restrict e-mail resolvers usage
>>>>> ** Fast UI resolver uses built-in routines of [JENKINS:Mailer] plugin
>>>>> => user e-mails will be resolved by user properties and e-mail suffixes
>>>>> * Default project-specific permissions allow to configure the custom
>>>>> security matrix for jobs and other items (see [Ownership-Based
>>>>> security|JENKINS:Ownership-Based security])
>>>>> !OwnerhipConfig_screenshot.png|border=1!
>>>>> h2. Managing ownership
>>>>> Ownership can be managed via "Manage Ownership" page. You need to have
>>>>> "Manage job/slave ownership" permissions in order to have access to this
>>>>> page.
>>>>> a) !LeftPanel.png|border=1! b) !OwnershipManagement.png|border=1!
>>>>> h2. Ownership visualization
>>>>> An ownership summary box:
>>>>> !SummaryBox.png|border=1!
>>>>> A list view with the ownership column:
>>>>> !ViewWithOwnershipColumn.png|border=1!
>>>>> h2. Ownership variables
>>>>> h3. Ownership build wrapper
>>>>> Ownership Build wrapper injects ownership variables into the job's
>>>>> environment.
>>>>> * You can enable exporting of job and/or node ownership variables
>>>>> (disabled by default)
>>>>> * Since *0.6* ownership variables will be injected even if the build
>>>>> does not reach build wrappers stage
>>>>> ** Variables will be injected if SCM fails => It's safe to use
>>>>> variables for e-mail notifications
>>>>> * Since *0.6* you can also enable the global injection of ownership
>>>>> variables.
>>>>> ** In such case the variables will be always injected independently of
>>>>> job configurations
>>>>> !OwnershipWrapper.png|border=1!
>>>>> h3. Token macro
>>>>> The plugin provides a [Token Macro|
>>>>> https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Token+Macro+Plugin]
>>>>> extension, which allows to get ownership variables in the plugins, which
>>>>> consume token macros.
>>>>> * Usage: ${OWNERSHIP,var="*{_}VAR_NAME{_}*"}
>>>>> * *{_}VAR_NAME{_}* \- name of the ownership variable to be extracted.
>>>>> The screenshot above provides list of available variables
>>>>> h2. Ownership-based security
>>>>> Ownership plugin don't provide its own security strategy.
>>>>> Although, it integrates with [JENKINS:Role Strategy Plugin] and
>>>>> [JENKINS:Job Restrictions Plugin] to provide comprehensive security
>>>>> features.
>>>>> See [Ownership-Based security|JENKINS:Ownership-Based security] page
>>>>> for more info and guidelines.
>>>>> h1. JIRA issues
>>>>> {jiraissues:url=
>>>>> https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/sr/jira.issueviews:searchrequest-xml/temp/SearchRequest.xml?jqlQuery=project+%3D+JENKINS+AND+status+in+%28Open%2C+%22In+Progress%22%2C+Reopened%29+AND+component+%3D+ownership-plugin+ORDER+BY+issuetype+ASC%2C+priority+DESC%2C+key+ASC&tempMax=1000|anonymous=true
>>>>> <https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/sr/jira.issueviews:searchrequest-xml/temp/SearchRequest.xml?jqlQuery=project+%3D+JENKINS+AND+status+in+%28Open%2C+%22In+Progress%22%2C+Reopened%29+AND+component+%3D+ownership-plugin+ORDER+BY+issuetype+ASC%2C+priority+DESC%2C+key+ASC&tempMax=1000%7Canonymous=true>}
>>>>> h1. Version history
>>>>> h2. Plans (no ETA)
>>>>> Plans:
>>>>> * (+) Keep ownership information after copying a job ([20313 at issue])
>>>>> * (+) Add an option to setup global default job/node owners
>>>>> ([23948 at issue])
>>>>> * (?) Feel free to contribute
>>>>> h2. Version 0.8 (10/27/2015)
>>>>> * (x) Prevent NPE in JobOwnerJobProperty::toString() if ownership is
>>>>> not configured ([30818 at issue])
>>>>> * (i) Better help text in ownership summary boxes for items with
>>>>> unassigned Ownership
>>>>> * (+) Extra features for Ownership summary boxes layout management
>>>>> * Option to hide ownership summary boxes for Runs ([28714 at issue])
>>>>> * Option to hide ownership summary boxes if owners are not assigned
>>>>> ([28712 at issue])
>>>>> * Allow to hide user e-mails ([30254 at issue])
>>>>> h2. Version 0.7 (06/03/2015)
>>>>> * (x) Improper permission checks in several API methods ([28713 at issue])
>>>>> * (x) Properly inject owner user IDs into JOB/NODE_COOWNERS variable
>>>>> ([27715 at issue])
>>>>> * (i) Contact Owners and Contact Admins links can be disabled
>>>>> ([26768 at issue])
>>>>> * (i) Remove unnecessary "//" from mailto scheme ([PR #35|
>>>>> https://github.com/jenkinsci/ownership-plugin/pull/35])
>>>>> h2. Version 0.6 (01/18/2015)
>>>>> * (+) Add "Contact item owners" and "Contact service owners" links to
>>>>> ownership summary boxes ([26283 at issue])
>>>>> ** Links automatically generate a e-mail stub with configurable
>>>>> subject and body templates
>>>>> ** Owners and co-owners are being automatically added to recipients
>>>>> * (+) Jenkins admins can enable the global injection of ownership
>>>>> variables ([23947 at issue])
>>>>> * (x) Inject ownership variables even if the build fails before build
>>>>> steps execution ([23926 at issue])
>>>>> * (x) Update Mailer plugin dependency to mailer-0.9 to support user
>>>>> properties ([19433 at issue])
>>>>> * (i) Display ownership info for builds ([26320 at issue])
>>>>> * (i) Avoid confusing node property shown on config screen ([PR #28|
>>>>> https://github.com/jenkinsci/ownership-plugin/pull/28])
>>>>> h2. Version 0.5.1 (09/30/2014)
>>>>> * (x) Managing ownership fails on jenkins-1.565.1\+ ([24475 at issue])
>>>>> * (x) Removed obsolete "Assign ownership on create" configuration
>>>>> entry ([24921 at issue])
>>>>> * (i) Use transparent \*.png icon instead of \*.gif ([23657 at issue])
>>>>> h2. Version 0.5 (09/26/2014)
>>>>> * (x) Fixed the issue with redirects to absolute URLs after the
>>>>> ownership modification ([24370 at issue])
>>>>> * (i) Improvement of summary box layouts
>>>>> * (+) Added Ownership policy extension point: different ownership
>>>>> assignment behaviors can be specified ([21904 at issue])
>>>>> * (+) Added Ownership authorization strategy for [JENKINS:Authorize
>>>>> Project plugin] ([21838 at issue])
>>>>> h2. Version 0.4 (01/18/2014)
>>>>> New features:
>>>>> * (+) Display ownership info in the nodes list ([18977 at issue]);
>>>>> * (+) Job ownership actions show the job's side-panel instead of
>>>>> Jenkins default panel ([21358 at issue])
>>>>> * (x) Prevented possible issue during the concurrent nodes renaming
>>>>> and modification ([20488 at issue])
>>>>> * (i) Removed fast mail resolution handlers. Now the plugin uses
>>>>> native handlers from mailer-1.6\+ ([20908 at issue])
>>>>> h2. Version 0.3.1 (10/25/2013)
>>>>> * (x) Fixed plugin's behavior for multi-configuration jobs
>>>>> ([20253 at issue], [20213 at issue], [20181 at issue])
>>>>> * (x) Fixed propagation of default item-specific permissions to jobs
>>>>> after reconfiguration ([19993 at issue])
>>>>> h2. Version 0.3 (09/08/2013)
>>>>> * (+) Restrict execution of jobs at slaves according to ownership
>>>>> configuration (Extension for [Job Restrictions Plugin|
>>>>> https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Job+Restrictions+Plugin])
>>>>> * (+) Support of item-specific access rights for jobs (Extension for
>>>>> [Role Strategy Plugin|
>>>>> https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Role+Strategy+Plugin])
>>>>> ** @ItemSpecific macro - Check the SID against entries from the
>>>>> item-specific security
>>>>> ** @ItemSpecificWithUserId macro - if SID is "authenticated", checks
>>>>> current user's ID
>>>>> * (+) Support of Token Macros
>>>>> h2. Version 0.2.1 (08/08/2013)
>>>>> * (x) Hotfix: Added support of the fast e-mail resolver (copy of
>>>>> default resolver from Mailer 1.5)
>>>>> h2. Version 0.2 (08/02/2013)
>>>>> * (i) Ownership management has been migrated to separate page
>>>>> * (+) Integration with [Role Strategy Plugin|
>>>>> https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Role+Strategy+Plugin] via
>>>>> macros
>>>>> * (+) Added a build wrapper, which exposes ownership variables to
>>>>> environment
>>>>> * (+) Added support of co-owners
>>>>> * (i) Replaced built-in e-mail suffix resolver by configurable
>>>>> selector of MailAddressResolver extension (to be extended in 0.2.1)
>>>>> {info:title=Known compatibility issues}
>>>>> Warning\! Update from 0.1 to 0.2 corrupts plugin's data structure
>>>>> ([issue #19078|http://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-19078]).
>>>>> You will need to manually cleanup data in the ownership.xml after the
>>>>> update.
>>>>> {info}
>>>>> h2. Version 0.1 (07/12/2013)
>>>>> * Initial release: ownership setup and visualization
>>>>> Full Content
>>>>> Call center service solahart Call: 081218067443
>>>>> CV.FIKRI MANDIRI JAYA melayani jasa perbaikan / service solahart
>>>>> pemanas air tenaga matahari,dan
>>>>> penjualan segala merk solar water heater.jasa kami sebagai berikut:
>>>>> 1.service solahart air panas, Rp:200.000.
>>>>> 2.service wika,swh,Rp:200.000.
>>>>> 3.service edward,servis ariston tenaga matahari Rp:200.000.
>>>>> 4.JUAL spare part solar water heater merk solahart,handal,wika swh
>>>>> 5.JUAL unit solar water heater merk solahart,handal,wika swh,
>>>>> 6.JUAL pipa air panas,pipa tembaga,pipa ripeng,dll Rp:75.000/meter
>>>>> Dengan pelayanan yang BERPENGALAMAN, MURAH dan TERPERCAYA.team kami
>>>>> telah
>>>>> terlatih Dengan standar spesifikasi sesuai pabrikannya.
>>>>> Untuk menggunakan jasa kami caranya sangat mudah. Anda cukup
>>>>> menghubungi kami
>>>>> melalui telepon/SMS dengan memberikan nama lengkap dan alamat lengkap
>>>>> anda, kami
>>>>> akan LANGSUNG menuju tempat anda,Dimana pun lokasi
>>>>> rumah,vila,hotel,anda kami
>>>>> akan layani! Kepuasan anda adalah komitmen kami yang terus kami jaga
>>>>> selanjutnya.
>>>>> Untuk Layanan Jasa dan keterangan lebih lanjut silahkan hubunggi kami :
>>>>> hp.. 082113812149
>>>>> telp; 021-71231659
>>>>> Website:www.solahartcenter.com
>>>>> Change Notification Preferences
>>>>> <https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/users/viewnotifications.action>
>>>>> View Online
>>>>> <https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/service+solahart+kelapa+gading+hp+082113812149>
>>>>> | View Changes
>>>>> <https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/pages/diffpagesbyversion.action?pageId=68386903&revisedVersion=50&originalVersion=49>
>>>>> | Add Comment
>>>>> <https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/service+solahart+kelapa+gading+hp+082113812149?showComments=true&showCommentArea=true#addcomment>
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Jenkins-infra mailing list
>>>> Jenkins-infra at lists.jenkins-ci.org
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>>> --
>>> -----
>>> Arnaud Héritier
>>> http://aheritier.net
>>> Mail/GTalk: aheritier AT gmail DOT com
>>> Twitter/Skype : aheritier
>> --
>> -----
>> Arnaud Héritier
>> http://aheritier.net
>> Mail/GTalk: aheritier AT gmail DOT com
>> Twitter/Skype : aheritier
>> _______________________________________________
>> Jenkins-infra mailing list
>> Jenkins-infra at lists.jenkins-ci.org
>> http://lists.jenkins-ci.org/mailman/listinfo/jenkins-infra

Arnaud Héritier
Mail/GTalk: aheritier AT gmail DOT com
Twitter/Skype : aheritier
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