[Jenkins-infra] Cost modeling for Azure

R. Tyler Croy tyler at monkeypox.org
Sat Aug 20 17:47:13 UTC 2016

(replies inline)

On Sat, 20 Aug 2016, Christopher Orr wrote:

> Is using the Azure CDN a hard requirement of the deal with Microsoft?


> As CDN usage seems to account for ~70% of the total costs, would sticking to
> the existing mirror network, or using the Fastly account that we have, be
> potential alternatives?

I'm waiting for some people to get done with their vacations at Microsoft to
continue the converation on this. I'm not sure whether we're paying the "retail
price" or something else for our bandwidth. That would make a big difference,
either way I think there are things we can/should do to reduce bandwidth

> I also note that the projections are based on our current mirror locations
> (i.e. in Zones 1 & 2 only), but Azure CDN will also serve files from the
> other three (more expensive) zones, depending on the user???s location ??? so
> if there are a lot of users in South America and India (which I vaguely
> recall there being), the costs could end up being a fair bit higher.

The zones are opt-in from my understanding. If we wish to serve geo-local files
in South America, that's what would cost more. If we're going to serve content
globally from Zone 1/2 then that's no different than content served to a US

[0[ I think update-center.json makes up a significant portion of our bandwidth
usage, and implementing a more modern/lighter weight manifest setup (instead of
a 1MB json file), could be something to greatly reduce the size downloaded
daily by every Jenkins instance (for example). This is something I'm interested
in hacking on after Jenkins World (time permitting).

- R. Tyler Croy

     Code: <https://github.com/rtyler>
  Chatter: <https://twitter.com/agentdero>

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