[Jenkins-infra] Adding Seville JAM as an Infra Sponsor

R. Tyler Croy tyler at monkeypox.org
Thu Aug 2 15:01:54 UTC 2018

(replies inline)

On Thu, 02 Aug 2018, Baptiste Mathus wrote:

> I definitely agree that mirrors should be considered sponsors too. And
> should appear somewhere on the website.
> Now, my concern is that mirrors are a bit different from other sponsors too:
> IMO, we should try and automate the creation of a dedicated section for
> mirrors sponsorship. The source of truth for the mirrors list is probably
> defined somewhere in jenkins-infra/jenkins-infra repo. There are new
> mirrors added sometimes, and also because we're an automation tool, well we
> should automate this :).

As Olivier mentioned, mirrors will eventually be replaced by centralized
distribution via Azure. What he did not mention is that mirrors have already
been replaced for any TLS-based traffic, which has been served from Azure for

I'm happy to merge a pull request to jenkins.io adding whatever non-personal
entity should be considered responsible for mirrors.seville-jam.es to the list
where XMission already exists. We already list OSUOSL and XMission who are
mirror operators.

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