[Jenkins-events] Recording + Livecasting

Bruno P. Kinoshita brunodepaulak at yahoo.com.br
Sat Nov 17 16:00:20 UTC 2012

> Oh, if you've already arraged it, then that's probably better --- 
> I'm
> not a pro. When I say "equipments", that's also a conventional USB
> webcam + wireless mic.
> But your call. As I said, I can bring mine.

Awesome, bring yours too, please. The more people recording the merrier, this way we will have two videos in case the sound is not so good in one, or the take is better in the other one :o)

I will make sure we have some power adapters too in the room, and will try to borrow a Mac video adapter.


Bruno P. Kinoshita

----- Original Message -----
> From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <kk at kohsuke.org>
> To: Bruno P. Kinoshita <brunodepaulak at yahoo.com.br>
> Cc: "events at lists.jenkins-ci.org" <events at lists.jenkins-ci.org>
> Sent: Saturday, 17 November 2012 1:31 PM
> Subject: Re: [Jenkins-events] Recording + Livecasting
> 2012/11/16 Bruno P. Kinoshita <brunodepaulak at yahoo.com.br>:
>>  That's grand Kohsuke! I have a person that I was going to ask to video 
> the talks, but using a conventional camera. I've been to USP about two weeks 
> ago, but I only checked the rooms, projector, etc. Didn't try the internet 
> connection.
> Oh, if you've already arraged it, then that's probably better --- 
> I'm
> not a pro. When I say "equipments", that's also a conventional USB
> webcam + wireless mic.
> But your call. As I said, I can bring mine.
>>  Rafael (he will be there during the event to help us, he works in the Open 
> Source department) told me that we'll two access points, but I didn't 
> ask about the connection speed. Hopefully it will be enough :)
>>  Thanks!
>>  Bruno P. Kinoshita
>>  http://kinoshita.eti.br
>>  http://tupilabs.com
>>> ________________________________
>>>  From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <kk at kohsuke.org>
>>> To: events at lists.jenkins-ci.org
>>> Sent: Saturday, 17 November 2012 2:48 AM
>>> Subject: [Jenkins-events] Recording + Livecasting
>>> Bruno,
>>> I'll bring recording equipments to Brazil with me. So if there's
>>> sufficient internet connectivity, we can livecast the events.
>>> Otherwise we should still be able to record events and post them
>>> online after the fact.
>>> --
>>> Kohsuke Kawaguchi
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> -- 
> Kohsuke Kawaguchi

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