[Jenkins-events] Sao Paulo meet-up advertisements

Otávio Gonçalves de Santana otaviopolianasantana at gmail.com
Sun Nov 18 10:17:30 UTC 2012

Hello everyone my name is Otávio and I do part of too many communities in
Brazil( Soujava, javabaha, GDGs, BrasilJUGs, etc.).
I come to help the JUC here in São Paulo.
We have only five enrolled and these are speakers.
I think this happened because is the first event about Jenkins and many
People don't know what is it.
I would like to create another room with themes for beginners, for example:

What is Jenkins and what are the benefits of using a company ?
What is Integrations Continuous ?
What is deployment continuous ?
quality of the code with jenkins.

Bruno Kinoshita the first one
I invited Bruno Souza, the javaman, and Fabiane Nardom to talk about
deployment continuous.
Maybe Vinicius Senger and Yara Senger may to talk about the second theme.
I could talk about the quality with jenkins

I say these thinks because the community here is giving its firsts steps.
It is very cool if the event has contents to beginners and advanced for get
more people.

So, what do you think about these things ?
obs: Sorry by delay I  married and I was in Honeymoon :)

*From:* Kohsuke Kawaguchi <kkawaguchi at cloudbees.com>
*To:* events at lists.jenkins-ci.org
*Sent:* Saturday, 17 November 2012 1:36 PM
*Subject:* [Jenkins-events] Sao Paulo meet-up advertisements

I think we need to send out announcements to encourage sign-ups. Do
you think we have enough details filled in there for me to start
talking to my contacts?

I was going to write Fabian Nardon, Bruno Souza, and Mauricio Real.
All of them my friends from Sun.

Is there any mailing list in SouJava where you can send in this kind
of announcements?


Otávio Gonçalves de Santana

blog:     http://otaviosantana.blogspot.com.br/
twitter: http://twitter.com/otaviojava
site:     http://www.otaviojava.com.br
(11)     98255-3513
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