[Jenkins-events] Continuous Delivery with Jenkins events: NYC 6/19 and Berlin 6/24

Lisa Wells lwells at cloudbees.com
Sun Jun 8 17:32:00 UTC 2014

Hey guys...

If you will be on the US East Coast or in Berlin for JUC in the next few
weeks, here’s another great (and free) opportunity to explore how to use
Jenkins for continuous delivery.

*How To Accelerate Innovation with Continuous Delivery: Business and
Technology Best Practices with Jenkins <http://www.cloudbees.com/cdsummit>*

   - New York City on June 19 <http://www.cloudbees.com/cdsummit/nyc>, the
   day after JUC US East – headlined by Forrester Research analyst Kurt Bittner
   - Berlin on June 24 <http://www.cloudbees.com/cdsummit/berlin>, the day
   before JUC Europe – headlined by Jan Hagen, author of *Confronting
   Mistakes: Lessons from the Aviation Industry when Dealing with Errors *and
   member of the faculty at the European School of Management and Technology,

Kohsuke will be speaking at both events, along with experts from SOASTA,
MidVision, XebiaLabs, codecentric, Eliassen, Puppet Labs and CloudBees. Of
particular interest: Tim Mulligan from Fidelity Investments (NYC) and
Harald Göttlicher from Bosch (Berlin) will talk about how their companies
do continuous delivery in the real world with Jenkins.

The cdSummits are free, but you do need to register
<http://www.cloudbees.com/cdsummit> so everyone gets fed. Hopefully see you

Lisa Wells
Partner Marketing & Bee of Many Hats
www.CloudBees.com <http://www.cloudbees.com/>  |  Blog.CloudBees.com
<http://blog.cloudbees.com/>  | +1 512.751.8423  |  @productprincipl

[image: http://www.cloudbees.com/jenkins/juc-2014]
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