[Jenkins-events] Ideas from JUC Israel: charger station

Kohsuke Kawaguchi kk at kohsuke.org
Fri Jul 18 17:38:35 UTC 2014

I think the idea was to provide the cables, so that even if you didn't
bring the cable yourself you can still charge your phones.
I'll share the picture later. All the cables came out of the hole they made
in the belly button of the frog mascot. It was quite nicely done.

2014-07-18 19:54 GMT+03:00 R. Tyler Croy <tyler at monkeypox.org>:

> (replies inline)
> On Fri, 18 Jul 2014, Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
> > One of the clever ideas I saw in JUC Israel is the charger station. It's
> a
> > small table with lots of USB ports and some USB/iPhone cables, which
> people
> > can use to charge their cell phones.
> >
> > There were a few of them placed in the vendor space, and people who used
> > them tend to hang around in the area, so I think it was helping to drive
> > more traffic to sponsors.
> >
> > I think this is something we can emulate elsewhere.
> These things are terrifying to security people :P Plugging your devices
> into
> untrusted USB ports is pretty unsafe.
> Is there any reason power outlets themselves are difficult to provide?
> That said, don't let me prevent this from happening, I'm sure lots of
> people
> would find it useful
> - R. Tyler Croy
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Kohsuke Kawaguchi
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