[Jenkins-events] Bay Area Jenkins Area Meetup proposal

Udaypal Aarkoti uaarkoti at cloudbees.com
Fri Jul 24 18:43:05 UTC 2015


I learnt about the Jenkins CIA program from KK and others and would like to volunteer to create a Bay Area Meetup. There are certainly a lot of users in the Bay Area / Silicon Valley and this will be a great opportunity to setup regular meet ups to learn about how people are using Jenkins while also learning about cutting edge technologies and they can be leveraged in / with Jenkins.

I work for CloudBees and have confirmed with our team that we are able to host this meetup in our San Jose campus until we find other sponsors willing to host this meetup.

As suggested in the Jenkins CIA program, this will be a community driven event and the purpose is to evangelize Jenkins.

I’d like to kick off this meet up shortly but I’d love to engage with the broader community to get their feedback.

My email address is uday at cloudbees.com. Please reach out to me if you live in the Bay Area and would like to participate in the meet up or would like to volunteer to be a co-organizer. 


Udaypal Aarkoti
Director, Solution Architecture
CloudBees, Inc.
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