[Jenkins-events] Bay Area JAM Kickoff Venue

Udaypal Aarkoti uaarkoti at cloudbees.com
Tue Aug 4 15:37:29 UTC 2015

Sure. How about this? Feedback welcome.

*Subject : Call to join Jenkins Area Meetup Kickoff *

There are lots of people around the world using Jenkins and yet there isn't
an obvious way for them to come together and share their experiences and
learn about new and upcoming topics.

The purpose of JAMs (similar to JUGs) is to promote meetups around the
world. This kickoff is not only a kickoff to setup Bay Area JAM but also to
help the extended Jenkins community all over the world to setup JAMs. We
have volunteers from Paris, Spain, NY etc... already and we want to not
only encourage them in setting up JAMs but also to provide some guidelines
so that JAMs are successful.

Please join us in help shaping JAMs.

*Kickoff Agenda*

1. Bay Area JAM
  1. Determine the date for the first meet up
  2. Speakers for the second slot. Kohsuke will be presenting first.
  3. Future topics of interest for JAM
  4. Sponsors / Volunteers
2. Guidelines for setting up JAM
3. Ideas to make the JAMs relevant and successful
4. Q & A

*Kickoff Venue*

Time : *August 5th, Wednesday 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM*
Location : *Starbucks, 750 Castro St, Mountain View, CA 94041*

On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 8:14 AM Kohsuke Kawaguchi <kk at kohsuke.org> wrote:

> I'm planning to be there.
> We should blog about this in http://jenkins-ci.org/node --- any chance
> you can draft something quick that I can post?
> 2015-08-04 6:55 GMT-07:00 Udaypal Aarkoti <uaarkoti at cloudbees.com>:
>> Hi,
>> Just a reminder that we will be having our kickoff meeting tomorrow in
>> mountain view. If you are planning to attend please RSVP to
>> uaarkoti at cloudbees.com.
>> Looking forward to seeing you there.
>> On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 4:59 PM Udaypal Aarkoti <uaarkoti at cloudbees.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> It looks like we have the critical mass to setup a venue for our Bay
>>> Area JAM kickoff.
>>> Time : *August 5th, Wednesday 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM*
>>> Location : *Starbucks, 750 Castro St, Mountain View, CA 94041*
>>> The agenda for it (as described before
>>> <http://udaypal.com/bay-area-jam-announcement/>) is
>>>    1. Determine the date for the first meet up
>>>    2. Speakers for the second slot. Kohsuke will be presenting first.
>>>    3. Future topics of interest for JAM
>>>    4. Sponsors / Volunteers
>>>    5. Ideas to make the JAM relevant and interesting for the extended
>>>    community to participate and share their implementations
>>>    6. Q & A
>>> Please feel free to forward this to anyone interested in joining.
>>> If you are unable to join and still would like to share your ideas /
>>> suggestions, please send them my way.
>>> Look forward to seeing some of you at the kickoff.
>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> Udaypal Aarkoti
>>> Director, Solution Architecture
>>> CloudBees, Inc.
>>> 260-227-5684
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Udaypal Aarkoti
>> Director, Solution Architecture
>> CloudBees, Inc.
>> 260-227-5684
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> --
> Kohsuke Kawaguchi

Udaypal Aarkoti
Director, Solution Architecture
CloudBees, Inc.
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