[Jenkins-events] Proposal: revisiting JUC in 2016

Owen Mehegan owen at nerdnetworks.org
Fri Oct 23 19:12:12 UTC 2015

I think the proposed changes to format for "Jenkins World" are a great 
idea. They seem like a very logical evolution of an event that has grown 
so much. As to WHERE it is located in the US, I'm a little skeptical 
that putting it on the east coast is going to draw more European 
attendees than if it was in California, considering that it sounds like 
the European audiences mostly didn't travel outside their own countries 
for past JUC Europe events. Would we be trading a big chunk of the US 
west coast audience for a small increase in European attendance?

As for day 0, one thing I would love to see is some kind of plugin 
development track, where some Jenkins experts help guide people on 
getting their feet wet writing and contributing to plugins. Cover best 
practices, gotchas, etc.

> Kohsuke Kawaguchi <mailto:kk at kohsuke.org>
> October 19, 2015 at 7:51 PM
> Putting my CloudBees hat on, I'd like to discuss the following 
> proposed changes to the events in 2016, where we are moving away from 
> JUC into a new model.
> https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Proposal+-+Revisiting+JUC+in+2016
> I put this up for the project meeting agenda in 1.5 week, but I hope 
> to get discussions going well before that.
> -- 
> Kohsuke Kawaguchi
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