[Jenkins-events] RFC: Hacksgiving 2015

R. Tyler Croy tyler at monkeypox.org
Wed Nov 4 22:31:18 UTC 2015

Slide-o-mix and I have been kicking around this idea of a "plugin
clean-up-a-thon" that I've been referring to as "Hacksgiving" for funsies.
We've collected some notes in this wiki page which I would like for you all to
take a look at:

I'm not committing to running with this idea yet, but I wanted to test the
waters with the events oriented folks on this list before I tried to put more
weight behind it.

- R. Tyler Croy

     Code: <https://github.com/rtyler>
  Chatter: <https://twitter.com/agentdero>

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