[Jenkins-events] Hacktoberfest - Do we want to participate?
Oleg Nenashev
o.v.nenashev at gmail.com
Thu Sep 29 17:11:58 UTC 2016
> The gitlab-plugin happens to be one which uses the GitHub issue tracker
> rather than JIRA. It's what the original author went with, and the current
> group of maintainers (including me) all prefer it over JIRA. We have lots
> of open issues, some for minor bugs and some for minor up to major feature
> requests. Robin Müller does the bulk of the coding on it, while I try to
> triage new issues and PRs. I would say that the codebase is clean and
> well-organized, and our maintainers are active. At Jenkins World there
> seemed to be a lot of interest in GitLab support, and Cloudbees has
> expressed a desire for feature parity between GitLab, GitHub, and
> Bitbucket, in Jenkins. So this might be one Jenkins-related thing that we
> could encourage folks to hack on.
+1 even though Hacktoberfest is sponsored by GitHub. So advertising GitLab
is... well... we can always say everybody benefits from OSS :)
I would rather go after pushing the GitHub stack. From what I see the
labels added to pull requests also work in this contest, so we are not
seriously restricted by the tracker. But even in this case we would have
https://github.com/KostyaSha/github-integration-plugin :D
Obviously, we can also advertise Digital Ocean since they sponsor the event
this year. The plugin definitely needs some help some love according to the
tracker/installation stats.
BR, Oleg
2016-09-29 18:49 GMT+02:00 Owen B. Mehegan <owen at nerdnetworks.org>:
> The gitlab-plugin happens to be one which uses the GitHub issue tracker
> rather than JIRA. It's what the original author went with, and the current
> group of maintainers (including me) all prefer it over JIRA. We have lots
> of open issues, some for minor bugs and some for minor up to major feature
> requests. Robin Müller does the bulk of the coding on it, while I try to
> triage new issues and PRs. I would say that the codebase is clean and
> well-organized, and our maintainers are active. At Jenkins World there
> seemed to be a lot of interest in GitLab support, and Cloudbees has
> expressed a desire for feature parity between GitLab, GitHub, and
> Bitbucket, in Jenkins. So this might be one Jenkins-related thing that we
> could encourage folks to hack on.
> On 09.29.2016 08:29, Oleg Nenashev wrote:
>> Personally I don't want to encourage more plugins to use GitHub
>> Issues compared
>> to JIRA (because JIRA, as awful as it is, is still a much better
>> tool).
>> Yeah, "fortunately" should have been tagged as <sarcasm>. We
>> definitely do not want to convert any existing projects to use GitHub
>> issues just for this fest of course.
>> I think we can "support" Hacktoberfest by tweeting about it and
>> perhaps encouraging JAMs to host Hacktoberfest-type events to hack on
>> Jenkins bugs?
>> Yep. But we're mostly interested in growing our own community, and it
>> could be also an opportunity.
>> BR, Oleg
>> 2016-09-29 17:12 GMT+02:00 R. Tyler Croy <tyler at monkeypox.org>:
>> (replies inline)
>>> On Thu, 29 Sep 2016, Oleg Nenashev wrote:
>>> UPD: in order to get Jenkins project listed on their site, we need
>>> issues
>>>> to be labeled in GitHub. I'm not sure it works for PRs. But
>>> fortunately we
>>>> have some plugins with GitHub-based issue tracking
>>> "fortunately" :P
>>> Personally I don't want to encourage more plugins to use GitHub
>>> Issues compared
>>> to JIRA (because JIRA, as awful as it is, is still a much better
>>> tool).
>>> I think we can "support" Hacktoberfest by tweeting about it and
>>> perhaps
>>> encouraging JAMs to host Hacktoberfest-type events to hack on
>>> Jenkins bugs?
>>> - R. Tyler Croy
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