[Jenkins-infra] Nagios for Jenkins, Step 1 of X

R. Tyler Croy tyler at monkeypox.org
Sun Dec 4 10:02:21 UTC 2011

I've started to get nagios.jenkins-ci.org set up with the most recent puppet
changes pushed up tonight <https://github.com/jenkinsci/infra-puppet/commits/master>

KK: I need an SSL cert for nagios.jenkins-ci.org at some point

I'm still trying to figure out how we can securely run host checks across the
internet without setting up a dumbass VPN, so right now this is performing ping
checks. (Note: the ping check is failing to cucumber since the host drops all
inbound ICMP traffic).

If you want access to the Nagios web app, you will need to add your credentials to:
    * nagios.cgi.cfg
    * nagios.htpasswd # Use htpasswd locally


Herp derp, bedtime
- R. Tyler Croy
    Code: http://github.com/rtyler
 Chatter: http://twitter.com/agentdero
          rtyler at jabber.org
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