[Jenkins-infra] [PagerDuty ALERT] You have 1 TRIGGERED Incident (337a9)

Arnaud Héritier aheritier at gmail.com
Thu Apr 16 08:55:13 UTC 2015


  Since 3 days I receive this alert at 10:38AM CET
  Was there a change in production side ?
  It seems that there is a reboot

Apr 16 04:35:01 cucumber CRON[17785]: (kohsuke) CMD (sudo pkill -9 -u
jenkins java; sudo /etc/init.d/jenkins start)

Apr 16 04:35:02 cucumber jenkins: jenkins: fatal: client (pid 24849) killed
by signal 9, exiting

  I don't really understand but it seems that this morning jenkins didn't

  I suppose that puppet which is launched every hour should restart it if
necessary ?
  Or do I need to restart the service manually ?

On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 10:38 AM, PagerDuty ALERT <no-reply at pagerduty.com>

> Hello Arnaud Heritier,
> You are assigned 1 triggered incident in PagerDuty:
> Please visit the following URL to manage this incident.
> https://jenkins.pagerduty.com/dashboard
> 1) Incident #296
>    Opened on: Apr 16 at 10:38am CEST
>    Service: Datadog
>    Description: [Triggered on {host:cucumber,url:
> https://ci.jenkins-ci.org/}] jenkins is down
>    Link: https://jenkins.pagerduty.com/i/296
>    Escalation Policy: Default
>    Details:
>        body: %%% @pagerduty ci.jenkins-ci.org is down 503 Service
> Temporarily Unavailable jenkins is down was last triggered a moments ago. -
> - - [[Edit Monitor](https://app.datadoghq.com/monitors?monitor_id=170503)]
> · [[View cucumber](
> https://app.datadoghq.com/infrastructure?hostname=cucumber)] %%%
>        metric_query:
> "http_check.Jenkins".over("*").last(6).count_by_status()
>        event_type: service_check
>        title: [Triggered on {host:cucumber,url:https://ci.jenkins-ci.org/}]
> jenkins is down
> ...
> You can disable these messages by adjusting your notification methods:
> https://jenkins.pagerduty.com/users/PRFV919

Arnaud Héritier
Mail/GTalk: aheritier AT gmail DOT com
Twitter/Skype : aheritier
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