[Jenkins-infra] LTS RC push

Oliver Gondža ogondza at gmail.com
Sat Mar 5 09:36:07 UTC 2016

On 02/19/2016 07:02 PM, Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
> Right, there's a job that needs to be triggered to push the bits to
> mirrors [1]. I've got one going for you in [2].

It seems I do not have the permissions to run builds there (any longer). 
Please grant those permissions to olivergondza. (Current Authorities: 
"authenticated", "all", "ROLE_ALL")

> I do that in my wrapper script, but it's probably something I should
> define inside the packaging script as another make target unique to this
> particular environment.

I presume the process has to run on ci.jenkins-ci.org's master so I 
guess triggering the build remotely is the best thing we can do.


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