[Jenkins-infra] Meet jenkins.io

R. Tyler Croy tyler at monkeypox.org
Thu Mar 24 06:02:09 UTC 2016

I finished up the final work for migration from https://jenkins-ci.org to
https://jenkins.io today. The final step of the switchover was to redirect
non-mapped URLs from jenkins-ci.org over to jenkins.io.

This project has been a tremendous amount of work with Gus Reiber, Baptiste
Mathaus, James Dumay, Daniel Beck, Oleg Nenashev  and a number of other
contributors filling in the new website with CSS, Haml, and most importantly
AsciiDoc (for documentation!)

Some of the features of jenkins.io that are important to me, I'd like to share:

 * Visual priority given to the LTS release line (yay)
 * Built-in support for three layers of documentation: solution pages, getting
   started guides and the "handbook".
 * Visual elements to highlight upcoming events
 * Certificates automated via letsencrypt.org (this is my favorite ;))

The site is statically generated and contributions are welcome here:

As I mentioned in our last project meeting, migration of other properties such
as wiki.jenkins-ci.org to the jenkins.io domain will take a bit more time. This
is an important first step however!

- R. Tyler Croy

     Code: <https://github.com/rtyler>
  Chatter: <https://twitter.com/agentdero>

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