[Jenkins-infra] [#73645] One more, hopefully the last, request

support at jfrog.com support at jfrog.com
Thu Dec 21 06:35:18 UTC 2017

Hi Kohsuke and Daniel, 

We have consulted with our R&D team, and they will like further information:

As we noticed that the "releases" local repository is in the list of a virtual repository, it's reindex will trigger the reindex/merge of the virtual repository as well. We checked with our DevOps team and they can confirm that we did not make any changes on our end, so it is likely that this is a configuration change. Please let us know if your team made any major changes to your instance, for example has this repo been included in more virtuals than before, and if having the repository not be in a virtual resolves the timing.

We also noted a number of errors pertaining to “Error occurred while processing the filtered resource 'releases:com/amcbridge/build-configurator/': Token manager error: freemarker.core.TokenMgrError: Lexical error at line 24, column 124.  Encountered: \"\\f\" (12), after : \"\" in template“

We believe this is because the file has the artifact filter property checked <https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/RTF/Filtered+Resources#FilteredResources-MarkinganArtifactasaFilteredResource>, but it does not appear to be a text file of sorts, hence it throws the error. You should be able to remove these errors by unchecking the box. We also see alot of requests for SNAPSHOTs to a release repository, please let us know if this is intended, as the snapshot precedes the release repository in the virtual repository list. We have also added in a debug logger for your instance to see further logging for the indexer, please let us know the full timestamp when you attempt to run the indexer again so that we can see the logging for it. 

Best regards,
Loren Yeung
JFrog Support
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