[Jenkins-infra] JIRA downtime tomorrow (2017-06-07) between 16:00-18:00 UTC

R. Tyler Croy tyler at monkeypox.org
Tue Jun 6 16:26:58 UTC 2017

The Oregon State University Open Source Lab (OSUOSL), which still hosts some of
our infrastructure is moving hardware around in their datacenter tomorrow and
will be briefly rebooting the machine which runs JIRA.

The outage should be between 10-15 minutes in the 16:00-18:00 window, but we
don't have a specific timeslot assigned right now.

For any questions, please jump into the #jenkins-infra channel on Freenode and
ask away

- R. Tyler Croy

     Code: <https://github.com/rtyler>
  Chatter: <https://twitter.com/agentdero>
     xmpp: rtyler at jabber.org

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