[Jenkins-infra] Procedure for upgrading our Kubernetes cluster (Azure Container Service)

R. Tyler Croy tyler at monkeypox.org
Wed Jun 14 22:06:40 UTC 2017

olblak referenced this issue (https://github.com/Azure/ACS/issues/5), which
also references
https://github.com/colemickens/azure-kubernetes-status/issues/15, in IRC today.
I think the topic warrants a bit more formalized discussion, thus this mailing
list thread.

olblak, if you could expand on what you're thinking for upgrading Kubernetes,
that would be a great starting point, since you have the most experience here.

- R. Tyler Croy

     Code: <https://github.com/rtyler>
  Chatter: <https://twitter.com/agentdero>
     xmpp: rtyler at jabber.org

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