[Jenkins-infra] Exploring alternatives to Azure Functions for serverless needs

R. Tyler Croy tyler at monkeypox.org
Sun Aug 19 02:00:11 UTC 2018

After another frustrating route of support tickets with our Azure Functions
I've been exploring other options.

Utilizing some small serverless functions (incrementals-publisher excluded) for
simple glue bits of automation has been incredibly useful, and I would like to
continue to adopt more little serverless functions where applicable, but Azure
Functions have cost me more heartburn than I had originally anticipated.

The priamry option, that looks like it has the most potention, has been
Fission: https://fission.io

It deploys propeprly on my local minikube instance and overall it looks
promising, but the continuous delivery options from GitHub are somewhat

Once I have something figured out, I'll try to get some pull requests to deploy
fission into our Kubernetes environment.

Curious if anybody else has thoughts or is motivated to take the initiative on
this one :)

-R Tyler Croy

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