[Jenkins-infra] plugins.jenkins.io Static site deployment

Gavin Mogan gavin at gavinmogan.com
Sat Dec 28 06:04:42 UTC 2019

Hey ya'll,

As some of you might know, i've been poking at making a static version of
plugins.jenkins.io like jenkins.io, that just gets rebuilt periodically (PR
@ https://github.com/jenkins-infra/plugin-site/pull/76), Its pretty much
done, just needs jenkinsfile/deployment tweaking.

I started to create a PR to update the helm chart to split the backend
image (/api) and the frontend image (/) into two different docker images.
This was supposed to be short term until a new CDN style deployment. About
5 minutes into this PR, I realized it'll be a pain if the content is
generated through cron.

So, options

all) add plugins-api.jenkins.io to the current helm chart

1) Update the helm chart, manually or automatically, every build of the
site content
2) Upload the content to azure blob storage like jenkins.io (See
3) If desired to reduce Azure dependencies, netlify is what I use for the
demo site, its pretty easy, and they have a free tier for open source
projects - pro with unlimited users -

I think 1 is really gross and don't want to do it.

But looking for more ideas/feedback.

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